Core Rule Changes
Rule Modifications
Rule Modifications: Action Economy
Rule Modifications: Action Economy – Attack Actions
Whenever taking an attack action, you may make all attacks allowed by your base attack bonus as if taking a full attack. In other words, a full attack action only requires a standard action to perform.
Rule Modifications: Base Attack Bonus
Rule Modifications: Base Attack Bonus – Iterative Attacks
Iterative attacks from a sufficiently high base attack bonus will no longer be any lower than the character’s highest base attack bonus minus five. For instance, instead of a level 16 paladin having a base attack bonus of +16/+11/+6/+1 that paladin would instead have a base attack bonus of +16/+11/+11/+11.
Rule Modifications: Combat Maneuvers
Rule Modifications: Combat Maneuvers – Sunder
When making a sunder combat maneuver, if the CMB roll overcomes the opponents CMD, then the item is automatically hit and the damage dealt. Hardness functions as DR, and hitpoints function the same for objects. A sundered item gains the Broken condition.
Optional Rule Additions
Rule Additions: Knockback
When taking damage in excess of 25 points in a single hit (or from a full attack using Pummeling Style or Cluster Shots or a similar feature) the recipient of the damage is sent backwards a number of feet (rounded down in 5ft increments) equal to the amount of damage taken minus 25.
Optional Rule Modifications
Rule Modifications: Unbound Racial Bonuses
When selecting a race you may consult your DM and instead select the features allotted by one race, and the appearance of any other, treating racial features as simple ability boons, similar to class selection and not tied to the physical characteristics of the character.
Addendum: Races as Boons
In certain settings it may be pertinent to treat racial bonuses as boons granted by a higher power, wherein there is a single actual “race” in-setting and the additional bonuses granted from a particular racial bonus optionally apply superficial visual changes in addition to mechanical bonuses.